unicode data
unicode data

Unicodetextisprocessedandstoredasbinarydatausingoneofseveralencodings,whichdefinehowtotranslatethestandard'sabstractedcodesforcharacters ...,TheUnicodeCharacterDatabase(UCD)consistsofanumberofdatafileslistingUnicodecharacterpropertiesandrelatedda...

Unicode Data Types

UnicodedatatypessupportthecoercionoflocalcharacterdatatoUnicodedata,andofUnicodedatatolocalcharacterdata.Coercionfunctionparametersare ...

** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **


Unicode text is processed and stored as binary data using one of several encodings, which define how to translate the standard's abstracted codes for characters ...

Unicode Character Database

The Unicode Character Database (UCD) consists of a number of data files listing Unicode character properties and related data. It also includes data files ...

Unicode character encoding

Unicode uses two encoding forms: 8-bit and 16-bit, based on the data type of the data that is being that is being encoded. The default encoding form is 16-bit, ...

Unicode Data Types

Unicode data types support the coercion of local character data to Unicode data, and of Unicode data to local character data. Coercion function parameters are ...

unicodedata --

Unicode 标准基于规范等价和兼容性等效的定义定义了Unicode 字符串的各种规范化形式。在Unicode 中,可以以各种方式表示多个字符。

UnicodeData File Format

The file consists of lines containing fields terminated by semicolons. Each line represents the data for one encoded character in the Unicode Standard. Every ...


2020年11月19日 — Unicode Character Database (UCD) is defined by Unicode Standard Annex #44 which defines the character properties for all unicode characters.

unicodedata — Unicode Database

This module provides access to the Unicode Character Database (UCD) which defines character properties for all Unicode characters. The data contained in this ...

使用Unicode 原生格式匯入或匯出資料(SQL Server)

2023年5月4日 — 使用Unicode 原生格式在SQL Server 的執行個體之間大量傳輸資料,可免除資料類型與字元格式之間的轉換。

模組:Unicode data

This module provides functions that access information on Unicode code points. The information is retrieved from data modules generated from the Unicode ...


Unicodetextisprocessedandstoredasbinarydatausingoneofseveralencodings,whichdefinehowtotranslatethestandard'sabstractedcodesforcharacters ...,TheUnicodeCharacterDatabase(UCD)consistsofanumberofdatafileslistingUnicodecharacterpropertiesandrelateddata.Italsoincludesdatafiles ...,Unicodeusestwoencodingforms:8-bitand16-bit,basedonthedatatypeofthedatathatisbeingthatisbeingencoded.Thedefaultencodingf...